Changements. Paradoxes Et Psychothérapie
de Paul Watzlawick, John H. Weakland et Richard Fisch (éd. de 2014)
Quatrième de couverture
This classic book, available in paperback for the very first time, explores why some people can successfully change their lives and others cannot. Here famed psychologist Paul Watzlawick presents what is still often perceived as a radical idea: that the solutions to our problems are inherently embedded in the problems themselves. Tackling the age-old questions surrounding persistence and change, the book asks why problems arise and are perpetuated in some instances but easily resolved in others. Incorporating ideas about human communication, marital and family therapy, the therapeutic effects of paradoxes and of action-oriented techniques of problem resolution, Change draws much from the field of psychotherapy.
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Ma note :
La note de la communauté Goodreads :
4.24 pour
733 personnes
J'ai lu ce livre 1 fois : le 5 juil. 2019
Il fait partie des 286 livres de ma bibliothèque annotée.
Mon commentaire
Un livre qui approche le changement de façon presque algébrique. Le concept central est celui des types logiques, que l'on retrouvera ensuite dans la PNL. L'auteur nous propose une approche utilisant les paradoxes pour provoquer chez les gens des changements de type 2.
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