Hugues Le Gendre

Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives

de David Eagleman (éd. de 2009)

Quatrième de couverture

At once funny, wistful and unsettling, Sum is a dazzling exploration of unexpected afterlives—each presented as a vignette that offers a stunning lens through which to see ourselves in the here and now. In one afterlife, you may find that God is the size of a microbe and unaware of your existence. In another version, you work as a background character in other people’s dreams. Or you may find that God is a married couple, or that the universe is running backward, or that you are forced to live out your afterlife with annoying versions of who you could have been. With a probing imagination and deep understanding of the human condition, acclaimed neuroscientist David Eagleman offers wonderfully imagined tales that shine a brilliant light on the here and now.

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Ma note :
La note de la communauté Goodreads : 4.12 pour 21 463 personnes
J'ai lu ce livre 1 fois : le 11 juil. 2022
Il fait partie des 285 livres de ma bibliothèque annotée.

Mon commentaire

Une série de nouvelles très courtes sur ce qui se passe après la mort. Des occasions variées d’explorer un nouvel angle sur la vie. Divertissant. Parfois profond.